Talc Chloritoid
Garnet Schist
A small part of the thin section of this rock is
reproduced on the left side; the complete thin section can be seen
Page 1:
Garnet - Chloritoid - Talc
Page 2:
Glaucophane - Rutile - Quartz - Apatite
Aenigmatite, Aegirine, Arfvedsonite
Lamprophyllite, Titanite, Nepheline
Sodalite, Eudialyte, Ilmenite, Diopside
Hornblende Mica
The specimen studied on the
following three pages is a polished slab. The
thin section of this
rock is also available for pictures comparison
Page 1 :
Hornblende - Muscovite - Quartz - Calcite - Ilmenite
Page 2 :
Albite - Muscovite - Chamosite
Page 3 : Calcite -
Rutile - Goethite
Calcite dolomite
forsterite, hausmanite.
Quartz - Feldspar - Biotite
This section has also been examined with 532 nm laser. |
Sodalite, microcline, natrolite
cancrinite, annite, molybdenite
analcime, ilmenite, chlorite.
Further study of a
section from Malaga with 532 nm Raman.
Previous spectrum with
He-Ne laser. |
prasinite from Viu Italy.
Page1:Glaucophane,phlogopite,Quartz, rutile
Page 2: Epidote,
Page 3: Actinolite,
Page 4:
Page 5: Muscovite,Hematite,Magnetite.
See also a thin section
of this rock. |

Thin section image
of this rock. |

Thin section image
of this rock. |

of opaque minerals.
Thin section image of
this rock.

Thin section image of
this rock.
Phonolite from the
Boca de Tauce, Tenerife.
Page 1:
Nepheline, Aenigmatite
Page 2: Sodalite, Aegirine
Page 3:
Feldspar, Richterite
Thin section
of this rock

Hawaite Raman analysis.
Thin section image of
this rock. |

Basalt Raman analysis.
Thin section image of
this rock. |
with yellow needles of Rosenbuschite and Fluorite,
Nepheline,Eckermannite, Aegirine...
Page 1:
Polished section Raman.
Page 2: Thin
section Raman.
Page 3:
Thin section
Images. |

Phonolite Raman analysis.
Thin section image of
this rock. |
Basalt Raman analysis.
Thin section image
of this rock |
Peridotite from Lanzo. Italy.
Highly weathered rock.
Nomarski DIC