Area 2 is an old olivine crystal which has been altered to a brown green
material. The exact Raman spectrum of area 2 is unknown in databases. It
is related to montmorillonite or saponite.
area 3 and 6, the feldspar is the plagioclase labradorite.
Areas 4 and 5:
twined augite crystal.
Two spectra of a twined augite
Hawaite area 6:
Area 6:
feldspar labradorite.
Area 7: opaque mineral magnetite.
Below are the reflection images in plane
polarized light and crossed polars illumination. Magnetite is
brighter than the silicate materials around. It is dark in the
reflection betwwen crossed polars picture.
Blue curve is the Raman
spectrum of magnetite got with reduced laser power. If power is
increased, the material is nearly completely oxidized and exhibits a
similar spectrum as hematite.